Contact Damien via Email here: damien_cregeau@hotmail.com
Damien Cregeau has researched and been published in numerous magazines and journals. He has also given talks throughout the northeast, from Boston, Vermont and New Hampshire to Washington, D.C., as a professional, nationally-recognized scholar since 2007.
Damien's interests include art, architectural, military and social history, especially in 18th-century North America. His talk on the military accomplishments of Maj. Gen. Alexander Hamilton was recorded and aired by C-SPAN in 2019. He has given talks at the Fraunces Tavern Museum, the Downtown Association and twice at SUNY-Maritime College and the Museum of American Finance - all in New York City.
Damien serves as president of the Connecticut Society of the American Revolution, and oversees the management and operation of the society's three 18th-century museums open to the public, including school groups, around Connecticut. They include the Capt. Nathan Hale Schoolhouses in East Haddam and downtown New London as well as the Governor Jonathan Trumbull War Office on the scenic green in Lebanon.
Damien earned his bachelor's degree in history from Hillsdale College and his master's degree in history from Colorado State.
Partner Organizations
The Museum of American Finance, located in New York City https://www.moaf.org/
The Alexander Hamilton Awareness Society http://the-aha-society.com/
The Connecticut Society of the Sons of the American Revolution https://www.connecticutsar.org/
The Connecticut Daughters of the American Revolution http://ctdar.org/
The Connecticut Chapter of the Order of Founders and Patriots of America https://www.founderspatriots.org/societies/ct.php
The Norwich Historical Society https://www.norwichhistoricalsociety.org/
The Leffingwell House Museum https://www.leffingwellhousemuseum.org/